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ACACIA - protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, platonic love, and friendship


AGRIMONY – overcoming fear and inner blockages; dispelling negative emotions. Also used for reversing spells


ALFALFA LEAF – money, prosperity, anti-hunger


ALLSPICE – money, luck, healing, obtaining treasure, provides added determination and energy


ALTHEA - protection, calm an angry person, and aid psychic powers


ALUM – removes the evil eye


AMBER GUM - protection from harm, outside influences, and psychic attacks, mental clarity and focus, transforming negative energy to positive energy


ANGELICA – remove curses, hexes, or spells


ANISE SEED – helps ward off the evil eye, find happiness, and stimulate psychic ability


ARROWROOT – purification and healing


ASAFOETIDA – protection and banishing negativity


ASTER – love


BAT NUTS – repels, wards off


BALSAM FIR – strength and breaking up negativity; Insight, progress against goals, and bringing about change


BARBERRY – Cleansing, sorcery, atonement, freeing oneself from the power or control of another.


BASIL – love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Dispels confusion, fears and weakness, drives off hostile spirits


BAT PETALS – success, money, luck


BAY LEAF - protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing and psychic powers


BEARBERRY – psychic abilities


BERGAMOT – money, prosperity, protection from evil and illness, improving memory, stopping interference, and promoting restful sleep


BILBERRY FRUIT – protection


BILBERRY LEAF – protection, burn for material desires


BLACK SNAKE ROOT – protection


BLACK COHOSH – love, courage, protection and potency


BLADDERWACK – protection, sea spells, wind spells, money, psychic powers, and attracting customers


BLESSED THISTLE – purification, protection against negativity and evil, hex breaking


BLOODROOT – love, protection, and purification


BLUE COHOSH - empowerment, purification, money drawing, love breaking, and driving away evil


BLUE VERVAIN – divination, cleansing


BONESET – protection, exorcism and warding off evil spirits


BORAGE – courage, cheerfulness


BUCKTHORN BARK - luck generator in legal matters and for winning in court


BURDOCK ROOT – cleansing and protection


BUTTERCUP - restore your inner child and bring calmness, joy and sweetness into your life


CALAMUS ROOT – luck, money, healing, and protection


CALENDULA – protection, legal matters, and psychic/spiritual powers


CALEA ZACATECHICHI – relaxation and intense dreams


CAMPHOR - dreams, psychic awareness, and divination; Adds strength to any mixture; used for purification and to increase personal influence & persuasiveness


CARAWAY SEED – health, love, protection, mental powers, memory, passion, and anti-theft


CASCARA SAGRADA – legal matters, money spells and protection against hexes


CATNIP – love, luck, and attraction


CATS CLAW – vision quests, shamanic journeys, and money drawing


CAYENNE PEPPER – dealing with separations or divorce; cleansing & purification; repels negativity


CEDAR – confidence, strength, power, money, protection, healing and purification


CELERY FLAKES – mental powers, psychic powers, lust, fertility, and male potency


CELERY SEED – mental and psychic powers, concentration


CHAMOMILE – love, healing, and reducing stress


CHAPARREL – protection and overcoming


CHICKWEED – fidelity and love


CHICORY ROOT – frigidity, favors, removing obstacles, and invisibility. Promotes a positive outlook and improves sense of humor


CHILI PEPPER – fidelity, love, and hex breaking


CINNAMON – spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, and prosperity


CINQUEFOIL - stimulates memory, eloquence, and self confidence


CLEAVER – healing, sticking ability


CLOVER - fidelity, protection, money, love, and success


CLOVES – protection, banishing hostile/negative forces, and gaining what is sought


CLUB MOSS – protection and power, purification


COLTSFOOT – wealth, prosperity, and love


COMFREY – money, safety during travel


COPAL ORO – purification and love


CORRIANDER SEED – love, health, immortality, and protection




COUCHGRASS – defense, returning to sender


CRAMP BARK – protection, female energy, psychic ability


CRUEL MAN OF THE WOODS – adds power and defeats evil


CUMIN – fidelity, protection, and exorcism


DAMINANA – sex, love, and luck


DANDELION LEAF – summoning spirits, healing, purification and defeating negativity


DANDELION ROOT - divination, wishes and calling spirits


DEER TONGUE - divination, wishes and calling spirits


DEVILS CLAW – protection and dispelling unwanted company


DEVILS SHOWSTRING – protection, luck, attracting a new raise or job, giving control over opposite sex, and invisibility


DILL SEED – protection, money, lust, and luck


DITTANY OF CRETE - astral projection, spirit evocation and manifestation


DRAGONS BLOOD – protection, energy, and purification


ECHINACEA – adds powerful strength, money drawing


EGGSHELL – repels negative and protection


ELDERBERRY – healing, blessing, banishing, and cleansing


ELDER FLOWERS – sleep, releasing enchantments, protection against negativity, wisdom, house blessing and business blessing


ELECAMPANE - banishing and to dispel angry or violent vibrations


EUCALYPTUS LEAF - Attracts healing vibrations, great for protection and healing, purification


EYEBRIGHT – increase psychic ability, improve memory, encourage rationality and increase positive outlook


FAVA BEANS - love, wishes and courage, gain prosperity & courage, grants luck and protects from disease and/or to attract love, promotes the accomplishment of goals


FENNEL SEED – imparts strength, vitality, sexual virility; prevents curses, possession and negative problems


FENUGREEK SEED – money drawing and fertility magick


FEVERFEW – healing, relaxation, love, and banishing


FIVE FINGER GRASS – repels evil, luck


FLAX SEED – money and protection


FRANKINCENSE – successful ventures, cleansing, purification, protection, consecration, and meditation


GALANGAL – winning in court, doubling money, hex breaking and sex magick


GARLIC – healing, protection, exorcism, repulsion of vampires, and purification of spaces and objects . Hecate


GINGER – draws adventure and new experiences. Promotes sensuality, sexuality, personal confidence, prosperity, and success


GINKO – aphrodisiac, associated with fertility, healing


GINSENG - love, beauty, protection, healing and lust


GOLDENROD – peace, love, money, and prosperity


GOLDENSEAL ROOT – attraction, warding off evil, luck, healing


GOTU KOLA – aphrodisiac, longevity, breaks and returns


GRAVEL ROOT – job, money, and luck


GUINEA PEPPER – luck, job, power


GUM ARABIC – protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, platonic love, and friendship


HIBISCUS – attracting love and lust, divination, and dreams


HIGH JOHN ROOT – strength, confidence, conquering any situation, obtaining success, winning at gambling, luck, money, love, health, and protection


HOREHOUND – protective; helps with mental clarity during ritual; stimulates creativity/inspiration; balances personal energies


HORSE CHESTNUT – money and healing


HYSSOP – purification, lightens vibrations and promotes spiritual opening, cleansing and purification. protect property against burglars and trespassers


JASMINE – prophecy, attraction, moon magick, and charges crystals


JEZEBEL – money and achievement


JUNIPER – banishes all things injurious to good health; attracts good, healthy energies and love


KAVA KAVA – aphrodisiac, invites good, visions


KELP – healing and attraction


LAVENDER – love, protection, healing, sleep, purification, and peace, promotes healing from depression


LEMON BALM - Love, success, healing, and psychic/spiritual development


LEMONGRASS – warding off and forgiving


LEMON PEEL – cleansing, spiritual opening, purification, and removal of blockages


LEMON VERBENA – breaking bad habits, purify body


LICORICE ROOT – love, lust, and fidelity


LIFE EVERLASTING – health and longevity


LOBELIA – attracting love and preventing storms


LOVAGE ROOT – prophetic dreams, energy, and purification


MANDRAKE ROOT – protection, prosperity, fertility, and exorcising evil


MARJORAM LEAF – cleansing, purification, and dispelling negativity


MARSHMELLOW LEAF - protection and psychic powers


MARSHMELLOW ROOT – protection, fertility, sexual, and clairvoyance


MASTER OF THE WOODS – protection, commanding


MAYAPPLE ROOT – protection, to hide emotions


MEADOWSWEET – protection, love, and harmony


MINT – promotes energy, communication and vitality, draws customers to a business


MISTLETOE – fertility, creativity, prevention of illness/misfortune, and protection


MOTHERWORT –bolstering ego, building confidence, success


MUGWORT – increase lust and fertility, prevent backache and cure disease and madness


MULLEIN – courage, determination, guards against evil, and divination


MUSK – encourages self-esteem and desirability


MUSTARD SEED – courage, faith, and endurance


MYRRH – spiritual opening, meditation, and healing


NETTLE LEAF – dispelling darkness & fear, strengthening the will, and aiding in the ability to handle emergencies


NUTMEG – attracting money/prosperity, bringing luck, protection, and breaking hexes


OATS – prosperity


OATSTRAW – money and prosperity


OAT TOPS – purification, wind, divination, and protection


OLIVE LEAF - peace, potency, fertility, healing, protection and lust


ONION - prosperity, stability, endurance, and protection


ORANGE PEEL - love, divination, luck, money and house & business blessing


OREGANO - Joy, strength, vitality, and added energy


ORRIS - bring love, romance, companionship and a loving mate


PALO SANTO – breaks curses and hexes


PAPRIKA - adds energy


PARSLEY – calms and protects the home; Draws prosperity, financial increase, and luck. Restores a sense of well-being


PASSION FLOWER - attracting friendship and prosperity and heightening libido, brings great popularity & attract new friends


PATCHOULI - money & love


PAU D'ARCO – protection, brings vision and wisdom, healing of severe diseases


PENNYROYAL – peace and tranquility


PEPPERMINT – divination, money, protection, purification, healing, and wind


PERIWINKLE – love within marriage, mental powers, and money


PINE – promotes clean breaks, new beginnings, prosperity, success, strength, grounding, and growth; Also used for cleansing, purification, and repelling negativity


PLANTAIN LEAF – protection from evil spirits and snake bites, removing weariness, healing headaches; house & business blessing


POKE ROOT – finding lost objects and breaking hexes and curses, increases courage


POPPY SEED – pleasure, heightened awareness, love, luck, invisibility


PURPLE DEAD NETTLE - help improve the health of the spirit as well as the body


QUEEN OF THE MEADOW - protection and harmony


RASPBERRY LEAF – healing, protection, love, reduces labor pain


RED CLOVER – fidelity, love, money, protection, and the blessing of domestic animals


RED SANDALWOOD – protection, healing, exorcism, bringing success, and increasing opportunity


RICE – money drawing


ROSE – love and beauty


ROSE HIPS - healing, brings good luck, calls in good spirits


ROSEMARY – protection, healing, and cleansing


RUE - healing, health, mental powers, freedom and protection against the evil eye


SAGE – self purification and dealing with grief and loss, improves mental ability and bring wisdom, healing, promotes spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health and longevity, removes negative energy


SALT PETRE – stops sexual tension


SANDALWOOD – protection, healing, and exorcism


SAW PALMETTO – healing protection, exorcism, passion and spiritual openings


SENNA – all matters of lust and love, enhances tact and diplomacy


SESAME SEED – money, lust, and passion


SHAVEGRASS – fertility


SHEEP SORREL – healing


SHEPHARDS PURSE – prosperity, protection against bleeding


SKULLCAP – fidelity and money


SLIPPERY ELM BARK – guarding and stops gossip


SOAPWORT – empowers love spells, love, and healing


SOLOMONSSEAL – protection from evil


SPANISH MOSS – protection, opening blockages, and dispelling negativity


SPEARMINT LEAF – healing, love and protection while sleeping


STAR ANISE - increase psychic awareness & abilities


ST. JOHNS WORT – protection, banishing, blessing, and rids of sorrow


STRAWBERRY LEAF – attracts success, good fortune, and favorable circumstances


SULFUR – dispels or prevents a hex on you; destroys an enemy's power over you


SWEETGRASS - Peace, unity, and calling spirits


TARRAGON – healing in abuse situations, compassion


THYME – attracts loyalty, affection, and the good opinion of others


TURMERIC – wards off evil


VALERIAN ROOT – protection, calm, love purification, harmony, and ending guilt


VERVAIN – protection, purification, money, youth, peace, healing, and sleep


WHEAT – fertility and money


WHITE OAK BARK – protection, fertility, removing bad


WHITE SAGE – cleansing, repels bad spirits


WHITE WILLOW BARK - brings blessing and guards against negativity and evil forces


WINTERGREEN - good fortune and luck


WITCH HAZEL – chastity and protection, inspiration


WOOD BOTANY – purification, protection, and the expulsion of evil spirits, nightmares, and despair


WOOD SORREL - health, healing, luck, prophecy


WORMWOOD – remove anger, stop war, inhibit violent acts, and for protection from the evil eye


YARROW – healing, weddings, and divination, draws love, banishes negativity, wards off fear, and promotes courage, confidence, and psychic openings


YELLOW DOCK - fertility, healing and money


YERBA MATE – love, luck, and fidelity




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